Our View
There is no doubt that Local and Regional Energy Agencies have played and play a key role in the transition towards a sustainable energy policy, a legal framework which can face the energetic, economic and environmental challenges arisen in Europe for the last two decades.
The European Union, being aware of the need for mobilizing a critical mass and for counting on a highly specialized public sector committed with the European energy guidelines, has strongly fostered the creation of Energy Agencies within local and regional public authorities. At present there is a network of more than 400 agencies in 31 different countries.

Basic principles of the Agencies
The Energy Agencies and Public Organisms involved in EnerAgen are key actors in the achievement of the energy, economic and climate targets both at local and global level, as well as in the follow-up to the initiatives of the European Commission.
Boost local and regional development, acting as key stakeholders of policies and technical solutions between the authorities and other agents of the energy sector.
Benefit the sustainability in all their actions and strategies, providing information and technical advice and offering different services based on the specialized knowledge of the needs and agents in their territories.
Bring about changes in behavioural habits making them more sustainable and to contribute to an efficient investment with employment creation.
The agencies involved in the Association, despite of their different structures, areas of activity and territorial scope, share similar interests, pursue the same objectives and face common challenges. EnerAgen enables them to work together more efficiently, which is crucial at the present time.
EnerAgen allows its members to take advantage of synergies and resources and contributes to the exchange of information and best practices among them. It is also a great debate forum for local and regional organisations specialized in energy and the voice representing their interests both at national and European level.
The Association of Spanish Agencies for Energy Management, EnerAgen, is a non-profit organization established in 2003 with the aim of strengthening the role of the Agencies and public organisms for Energy Management as well as serving as an instrument for the cooperation and coordination between them in Spain.
The Association is open to all Energy Agencies and Organisms linked to Public administrations responsible for the implementation of energy policies, energy management and in the promotion of energy efficiency and renewable energies at different territorial and competence levels.
The Association includes agencies and public organisms of regional, provincial and local scope, whose objectives pivot on three common pillars: sustainable development, the promotion of renewable energies through the use of indigenous resources and the promotion of energy saving and efficiency.
Taking advantage of every single benefit of working together in partnership: Representativeness, Synergies and Cooperation. Among others, EnerAgen has the following main aims: to foster and strengthen the role of the agencies and public organisms dealing with energy management; to boost the cooperation between the different members of the Association ; to enhance networking and coordination in proposals and projects in common issues and to ensure suitable training for all the members.
EnerAgen is based on existing organizations whose competencies and areas of action are fully respected. The Association carries out its actions under the supervision of a manager and the guidelines of the Board of Directors, appointed by the General Assembly and composed of members of the agencies.
BOARD OF DIRECTORS (April 2016- April 2018)
Association of Spanish Agencies for Energy Management, EnerAgen
Download our Statutes (Only available in Spanish)