The consortium consists of 8 partners:
- Andalusian Energy Agency, Regional Ministry of Employment, Business and Trade, Spain.
- Bretagne Development Innovation (BDI), France( coordinator).
- STRDA South Transdanubian Regional Development Agency Public Nonprofit Ltd, Hungary.
- AREAL – Regional Energy and Environment Agency of Algarve Portugal.
- Kaunas Regional Energy Agency Lithuania.
- Regional Council of Brittany, France.
- Regen S-W South-West England, United Kingdom( advisory partner).
- Leicester Energy Agency / Leicester City Council, United Kingdom.
The SET-UP project consists of improving the energy efficiency of the regions involved, thanks to improved policies on smart grids. SET-UP uses interregional exchange on smart grids, supported by selected regional policy instruments (FEDER Regional Operational Program- Priority Line Low Carbon Energy).
The project has a budget amounting to € 1,632,846 financed by the Interrreg Europe Program and co-financed by partners.
The overall goal of the SET-UP project is to improve energy performance of the 7 partner regions thanks to enhanced policies on smart grids. On a medium to long term, better energy demand management achieved thanks to SET-UP will lead to reduced energy consumption and greater energy security, with connected socio-environmental and economic benefits.
SET-UP improves policy instruments by identifying efficient energy management tools, with a specific focus on solutions to 3 main challenges to smart grid deployment:
Various activities for interregional exchange, communication and stakeholder engagement (with business sector engagement), help partners to develop regional Action Plans. These plans result in improved policy instruments supporting regions in their attempt to design, implement and direct more and better funding towards integrated smart grid strategies.