Granada Energy Agency
Non-profit association created in 2001 by the Provincial Council of Granada for the improvement and use of provincial energy resources, as well as raising awareness among local authorities, businesses and citizens about the scarcity of energy resources and the need for rational use of energy compatible with economic and environmental aspects, minimizing the possible negative impact on the environment and encouraging the implementation of renewable energy facilities.
At present it has become the “instrument” for direct advice to municipalities, and for raising funds.

“Since 2001 supporting our municipalities in sustainable energy development”
The actions of the Agency are attached to the following lines of work:
Core activities
The actions carried out by the energy agency can be summarized as follows:
All these activities are articulated mainly through a municipality participation process called “Concertación de Granada” through program 138 “Provincial Energy Agency”. To these projects we must add the actions carried out outside of it, derived from the collaboration in European projects, as by the search of external sources of financing, and finally by the accomplishment of the technical assistance work.
In the development of the activities of the agency, the funds obtained go directly to the Provincial Government of Granada, to ensure that the principles of public procurement are respected in their management and application.

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